Sitting on the couch and looking at her just brought tears to my eyes. We began talking about prayer and she said that when she was in the hospital it was so difficult to pray because people were always in and out of her room. Finally, now that she has been home, she has been able to resume her daily meditation. She shared with me that when she is finished praying, she feels a sense of peace and a readiness to go home to God. I asked her if that is what she be home in Heaven instead of experiencing the chronic pain and suffering. She told me that sometimes she wants to be home with God but that he continues to keep her around for a reason and that there are still so many people she feels like she can help. 27 years after her first stroke, chronic/daily pain, a brain hemorrhage and surgery in which she experienced near death, yet she still wants to help others and make a difference...
I also asked her if she is ever upset with God because of all the suffering she has had to endure. She is the LAST person who should deserve this to happen simply because she is one of God's angels here on earth. My grandma of course believes that it is not God who causes suffering and that he is responsible for the healing...and that she thanks him every day for blessing her with more time here on earth. Wow.
Love and Blessings: according to Grammy this is what life is all about. Loving everyone around us and being thankful for all the blessings in our life. Life is about being connected to God and being connected to others. Besides God, my grandma's relationships with people are the most important thing in her life. She has touched so many lives by simply showing each and every person unconditional love. My grandma has been a blessing in my life and many others. There is no doubt that she is the most special and amazing role model in my life. The world definitely needs more people like her. Having her home is such a miracle and blessing and I hope to live each day in her honor but most importantly, God's honor.