Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Last Week of Grad School Summer Term!

As I am sitting in Starbucks finishing up science assignment that is due in 40 minutes (yes I procrastinated for once, and yes I am distracted by my blog), I am shocked that this is my last Wednesday of my first MIT term. I have been in school full-time for almost 7 weeks...16 credits and 8 classes later, I am a quarter of the way through with graduate school. It is amazing how much information was thrown at me in those 7 weeks...I hope after one month off I will still remember all of it!

Fortunately, part of my last week at school has been helping at a science camp for kids called Camp Invention! It has been going on all week at Whitworth and the MIT's have been able to spend half of the day helping out! As much as I have enjoyed my MIT classes, I must say that playing with the kids has been the highlight....I guess that is why I am going into teaching :)

While school has been awesome, I am definitely looking forward to a month break before I start up in the fall. Here are some things that I am really looking forward to:
  • Lindsay's Birthday in Seattle with Linz, Ande, Joanna, Claire and Ebay
  • A few days of NO CLASS in Spokane and finally decorating my bedroom
  • Heading back over to the WestSide to see my family and best friend Jackie!
  • 10k Race for the Homeless in Vancouver, WA
  • SAN DIEGO with mom, dad and out California!
  • Liana's 17th Birthday...AHHH!
  • Gaga Weekend: Linz, Jimmy, Ebay and maybe Keith: we will camp out in my backyard, make smores, go to the pet parade in Tumwater, kayak and canoe and then attend the best concert ever!
  • A week of relaxing in Spokane
  • half marathon training


Sunday, July 25, 2010


The girls of summer in Spokane (including Liana)!
Our living room :) This will be our 'Africa' room after we finish decorating it!

Our little kitchen and bar :)

My wine bottle collection in my bedroom! This is a 'detached headboard' I bought from the Goodwill. I plan to put flowers in the wine bottles somehow...I have also written out each memory that the wine bottle holds!

This is a wall in our dining room! We decided to make our dining room the France Room :)

Ebay and I cooked asparagus, beer shrimp and salad for a dinner guest! Because we do not have a dining room table yet, we had to settle for the couch cushions.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Mom's are the best!

24 hours ago my Mom and Liana showed up at R apartment after driving across the state from Tumwater, WA. They arrived with a truck full of goodies intended to help spruce up our bare apartment. While I figured my mom was bringing a 'few' things I had requested, I suppose I should have known my mom better! After coming back to my apartment from a 3 mile run, my mom had already nailed 2 clocks, picture frames, a book shelf and a mirror on the wall! Along with these things, she had put together a tool box for Ebay and I so we know longer have to use a water bottle for a hammer! And this was the beginning...

She had purchased a 9 piece margarita set for us complete with a pitcher and 9 glasses, surprised us with a vacuum as well as a broom...and then continued the decorating and nailing of holes from 9:00 pm- 11:00 pm (hopefully the neighbors weren't asleep!). Lastly, after I had re-arranged my room about 6 times in the past 2 weeks, my mom came in, moved some stuff around and made it absolutely perfect!

This afternoon, I came back from class only to find a vase full of flowers (that she cut from apartment bushes), more frames on the wall, a nice floor rug to add color to our living room, some Tupperware, light bulbs and batteries. My mom was super mom once again...she was here for less than 24 hours and turned the apartment into a home. It turns out that all R apartment needed was the help of a mommy :)

She has already headed back to the westside but left Liana here to experience a bit of the Spokane summer with the college graduates! Tonight, Claire, Joanna, Emily and Ebay are accompanying us to El Sombrero for some yummy Mexican food :) I am so excited to have my sister here...and this is the LAST weekend of the summer where I will have homework because next week is my last week for summer term!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Let the training begin!

So I have finally decided that I am going to TRY and tackle a half marathon in the next couple months. To feel motivated to exercise, I need to have a goal; what better goal then to try a half marathon? Ande and I have come up with a 10 week training schedule to follow in hopes of running a half marathon in late September! I created a beautiful and colorful running schedule that I plan to tape on my bathroom mirror as a way to feel inspired!

I have never in my life been close to running the 13.1 miles that a half marathon is so I feel a bit intimidated by the thought of actually being able to complete one. However, in searching for motivation, I came across something my dad gave me 9 years ago. On my 13th birthday my dad gave me the 'Pyramid of Success' that was created by John Wooden, one of the most successful basketball coaches. The pyramid contains 25 behaviors that are believed to be necessary to achieve success. At the time, I don't think I fully appreciated the meaning behind the pyramid but as I begin my training, I realize how applicable the the pyramid of success will be. The pyramid of success will hang on my wall and most likely be the backbone and saving grace of this journey. Thanks Dad...I apologize for taking so long to understand the deeper meaning behind the pyramid but know that I greatly appreciate it :)

Today I will focus on the conditioning aspect of the pyramid:
Conditioning: mental --- moral ----physical; without proper conditioning in all areas, you will fall short of your potential.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My life is blessed

This weekend was one of those weekends where you realize how lucky and fortunate you are. I am at this unique stage in life where I have graduated and although I am still in school, I do not have a ton of responsibilities. Therefore, I have endless opportunities for fun experiences with friends, especially in the summer time. Just looking back on all I did this weekend makes me feel so blessed and fortunate to have a wonderful family and wonderful friends.

I had the greatest experience participating in the SpoKenya run through Life Center Church with Emily and Zach. The run was a 7K (4.5 miles) that was a fundraiser to raise money for clean water in Kenya. It was the first annual however almost 1,000 people participated! Surprisingly we ran the majority of the time and enjoyed being part of such a special event. It was the first time I have been a part of a large, organized church event. I am thinking about looking for one every weekend :) I can't complain about the free Ben and Jerry's ice cream at the end of it either!

The rest of Saturday was spent by the pool with Claire, Emily and Ebay. We have decided to call ourselves the Praire Pool Crew since we are there almost every day. Each of us has had our faces buried in a different Jodi Picoult book...nothing is better than a summer read (besides textbooks of course)

Ebay and I enjoyed some afternoon garage-saling where we walked away with our big purchase: a $1 paper towel holder for our kitchen. Oh the things you get excited about when you are a part of the real world. The paper towel holder led to a night of decorating and nailing holes in the wall with a water bottle as our hammer. We managed to get a whole wall will be our 'France Themed' wall. Our evening concluded with a visit from our wonderful friend Joseph. He affirmed our decorations which made us feel good!

Sunday: Today, Life Center hosted church on a football field instead of in the building. Everyone brought blankets and chairs and laid out in the field! It was pretty neat to see everyone there together. Claire, Em, Ebay and I laid out our blankets and enjoyed being immersed in such a spiritual crowd.

Worship was wonderful out on the grass and Pastor Joe's message was short but touching. He talked about how Jesus fed 5,000 people from one 'happy meal'. Why did Jesus chose to multiply the food? Jesus was training his disciples; from this message I walked away with 3 important lessons.
  1. Lesson #1: YOU DO IT: when you are faced with a need or if you see something that needs to be fixed, do not assume that someone else will fix it! It is our responsibility to make an effort to fix whatever it is we are faced with.
  2. Lesson #2: GOD CAN DO A LOT WITH A LITTLE: when these needs arise, we may feel small and insignificant (because we are), BUT God changes the world by taking what little thing we can offer and he makes something big . Therefore, start with what you have, bring whatever faith and strength you have to Jesus, and he will do something with it.
  3. Lesson #3: JESUS IS GOD: when you expect Christ into your life, he will mess with you, challenge you and force you to take the difficult route. When you walk with Jesus, expect the unexpected.

Church concluded with hot dogs and fellowship. What a wonderful Sunday morning. This afternoon was spent floating down the Little Spokane River with Claire, Ebay, Em and Joseph! It was so relaxing...Joseph was a trooper as well and was ready to save one of us if need be (although after he admitted his swimming is not the greatest).

After I finish this post, I'll be working on some homework and then off to bbq with some friends. I am so blessed and I am trying to appreciate every moment.

Side note: This weekend I was reminded that the work our military is doing for our country is so important. My thoughts and prayers go out for the people and families that have been affected by war. While I am a believer in world peace, I have the up-most respect for those who have sacrificed their life for our country.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Today I laughed!

Each night I try to reflect on what kind of day I had. While not every day may be considered a great day, it's important to remember and appreciate all the postive things that happened. Tonight I felt like reflecting on all the things that made me laugh because laughing is incredibly important for our mind and body. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, it releases healthy dopamine, helps connect with others and even makes the challenges of the day easier to tackle.

Today I laughed...
*when a cute, little boy at the pool told me if I didn't wear a lifejacket in the pool I could drowned and die
*when I drove to the store and realized I didn't have my purse
*when the lady at WinCo said she didn't trust the peppers because they were extra large but we both decided we didn't care because they only cost 68 cents
*when Ebay kicked the soccer ball at my computer...twice
*when Joseph joined Claire, Ebay and I for an episode of, "So, you think you can dance"
*when my sister asked me where I will be in 2 years
*when I spoke too loud in Starbucks and drew the attention of everyone around (CHARLESSSS)
*when I took 8 starbucks gift cards my mom sent to starbucks and had the guy add them all up...and it totalled $70! Thanks mom :)
*when Ebay and I had our first home-cooked meal in R aparment...we ate it out of plastic fish bowls on the floor

So if you are having a bad day and all else fails, try to find something to laugh about!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

West Central

West Central neighborhood is located in Spokane, WA and is considered one of the poorest neighborhoods in Washington State. By poorest, they have one of the highest percentage rates of people living below the poverty line and the schools have the highest percentage of children on free and reduced lunch. Here in West Central, crime is an every day occurrence along with the daily drug deals that take place at the corner of Broadway and Nettleton by the Broadway Foods store. Driving through the neighborhood, one would most likely feel no need to park and get out in fear of getting mugged by one of the neighborhood gangs. The neighborhood is constantly being bashed by local community members. Outsiders claim that the people are lazy and do not care about anything but drinking and drugs. I guarantee these people never took the time to walk around and talk to residents of the neighborhood.

Two years ago, I would have been the person intimidated by the appearance of the neighborhood and the people who walk along the streets. However, after becoming involved in a ministry in the West Central neighborhood, I have grown to love the people that are behind the graffiti and rundown houses. While they may struggle with drug problems, unemployment and criminal behavior, they were created in the image of God. It is my duty as a Christian to love them unconditionally and do everything in my power to extend the love of God to them.

Each week I am blessed to be in the presence of so many wonderful families. Having the opportunity to share a meal with them is one that I am so grateful for. Every Sunday, I attempt to show them love and respect so they know that someone cares. Sometimes I feel like they teach me more than I teach them because every week when I head back in my nice car to my beautiful and spacious apartment, I feel so fortunate for the life I have. And because of the blessings I have been so fortunate to receive, it is my responsibility to share these with people not so fortunate; to reach out to those who are disadvantaged.

I know that life becomes busy and stressful but if you have any time at all find some time to serve in your really does make a difference :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Life is beautiful. As I lay in bed trying to decide what to title the blog I never thought I'd start, I looked at a picture frame that was a center piece at the Corner House: a picture of the 7 of us in front of our Christmas Tree holding our coffee mugs. Around the frame it says, "Life is Beautiful". I couldn't think of a more appropriate title for this time in my life.

I have been slightly adamant about starting a blog. It feels a bit weird posting my life on the Internet. I am worried that once I start updating my friends online about what is going on in my life, they will feel no need to call me on my phone! Therefore, I will leave stuff out so this doesn't happen :)

Two months ago I was waking up at the Corner House after a night spent on the Senior Boat Cruise up on Lake CDA. I was probably sitting at my computer preparing for my last finals week at Whitworth. This morning I woke up in a new, bare apartment after an evening filled with friends and dancing at a Whitwroth wedding and graduate school homework hanging over my head. As I am listening to some worship music, I am reflecting back on the past two months and am shocked at how much has happened and how quickly it has gone by. Is this how fast my life will go?

In the past two months I have traveled throughout California with my best friends, gone home to say goodbye to Tumwater, completed four weeks of my Master's in Teaching, eaten a lot of asparagus, saw a moose in my yard, celebrated the last few nights at the Corner House with bottles of wine, said way too many goodbyes, moved into a new apartment with Ebay and attended my first of many Whitworth weddings. So what now?

While I LOVE reminiscing on the past....and while I get anxious about the future, I've decided that I need to focus on the present. I want to wake up LOVING every day that comes, whether it's hard, easy, happy or sad. I am going to love today :)