Monday, February 21, 2011

143 = I Love You

The four day weekend has come and gone and so have the three Corner House girl visitors! After a busy busy week of student teaching and school work, I was happy to get a break. It began with a spontaneous drive to Ellensburg to visit JACKIE! I must say, a 3 hour drive was the best thing I could have had after a week of school. I couldn't do anything other than think and listen to music! So relaxing! Being with Jackie in her apartment was wonderful! We stayed up late and drank wine then enjoyed a coffee shop the next morning. Being less than 3 hours away is SO much better than 7. Good choice Jackie for picking Central :)
Friday I headed back to Spokane just in time for the arrival of Claire, Ande and Lindsay. We came together in Joanna's living room and did a really good job of relaxing on couches and eating trail mix....for about 3 hours. After deciding cooking would be too much work, we headed to our favorite place, Taste of Thai! The night was still young though. Ebay and I took a detour and headed to Josh's goodbye party (he is leaving the country for a year!). We spent some time drinking Sangria, teaching Jai Ho and the Jerk and then learning how to Dougie. It was a great time with the Westies. We met up with the other girls back at Zolas and danced to live music, gained life points and ran into some familiar faces.

Saturday was spent making chocolate chip pancakes, drinking coffee, walks in the sunhine that was 20 degrees, accounting work, coffee with friends, laundry, journaling, guitar practice, homework, episodes of FRIENDS, Despicable Me, WinCO trip, Target run, mashed potatoes, asparagus and chicken, dinner on the floor and BIG ALS. Of course we had to make the trip to the stateline for a night at Big Als. We danced around, met up with other friends, sang at the top of our lungs and made more lifelong memories. Upon our 2am arrival home, we demolished a chocolate birthday cake (for Joanna and Claire).

Sunday wrapped up the time with the girls. We fellowshiped at church and heard the last part of the Sex series...then headed out to Chaps for a birthday breakfast for Jo and Claire. Let's just say we spent a good two hours there because we did not want to part.

Thanks girls for coming over! Danika and Em, we missed you more than you know but June will come faster than you know!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

No more Pole Pole.

So in Tanzania, the people often say "pole, pole" which means, slowly slowly. This is to remind you to slow down, do not hurry through life and really spend time doing what is most important. I became a huge fan of pole pole while living in Tanzania but have found it nearly impossible to do that back in the states...

Since I have been back in the states I feel like my life has been a whirlwind. I drove from Tumwater to Ellensburg and visited Jackie in her cute new apartment and hear all about her wonderful wine school experience. I came back to Spokane, unpacked and got settled, then took off with Jo and Ebay for Tri-Cities. We met Claire, Ande and Lindsay there and watched Lindsay's incredible performance in Almost Maine. Nothing helped more with the transition then seeing Jackie and then spending two days with the girls! Since then I have been full-time student teaching in 2nd grade, attending my night classes, working out at OZ, catching up with friends and trying to find that time to take life pole pole. And boy has it been hard. It wasn't until this weekend that I felt like I had anytime to sit down and think about Tanzania, my experience and how much I miss it. There is something itching inside of me to go back...and go back soon! Who knows what doors God is going to open and what opportunities may come my way. I know this trip left such an impact on me and I'm excited to see what is to come!

Other than that I'm thankful for my fun weekend that included ColdStone Ice cream, Starbucks, Pedicures, Olive Garden, A HIKE (it was so sunny), Dinner with Gillian because she was in town, time with Tanzania friends, LifeCenter, lesson planning and allowing myself to relax!

I miss everyone but am so proud of what everyone is doing! Always thinking of you...positive thoughts your way.
