After a wonderful and special Christmas Day with the family, I took off for Spokane to go to Niall and Janae's wedding. Ebay drove from Portland to Tumwater, and we drove from Tumwater to Edmonds to meet up with Jimmy! We headed off to Spokane...
Spokane was great! We spent the afternoon watching Oprah and relaxing and had a fun night hanging out with everyone who was in town for the wedding! Tuesday morning Ebay and I walked to Starbucks because we didn't have a car and then watched America's Next Top Model at the boys house ALL afternoon! Tuesday night was the was BEAUTIFUL! My favorite part was hearing them say their own vows! The reception followed and Ebay and I enjoyed dancing with all 10 of our dates :) I caught the flower bouquet and Jimmy caught the garter! (meant to be???? um not after 20 hours in the car with him..haha) Anyways, it snowed a foot and we got stuck in Spokane an extra day! Keith was kind enough to drive us to Old European for breakfast (first meal in the 2 days) and then we all played in the snow and went sledding! Ebay and I hitched a ride from him downtown where we walked around in the blizzard looking for a particular store, slept in the food court, had bottomless fries at Red Robin, slept in the Nordstrom lounge, saw a movie, slept in the food court again...and then Keith got off work and gave us a ride home! Jimmy, Ebay and I drove back Thursday and made it safely over the pass even though he claimed he only had 8% visibility through the windowshield and that his car was hemorrhaging gasoline. But, we made it :)
Jackie is back from Australia and it has been great to see her. She packs up and leaves tomorrow to move to Ellensburg (yay she will be closer to Spokane).