Friday, December 31, 2010
Christmas and Spokane Trip!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I had a special visit with Claire last weekend in her apartment! It was so wonderful to finally get to see where she lives and where she works! Wilder is soooo nice! We enjoyed wine, thai food, starbucks and FRIENDS (all the essentials)! It was so nice to catch up! Wednesday I'm heading up to Edmonds for the day to see Jimmy which should be fun! Anyways, I miss you all and hope you are enjoying the Holiday time with your families!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
1. Two days with my 2nd graders and making gingerbread houses with them
2. Finishing up my last 2 papers of the semester
3. Seeing my 2nd graders perform in the Cougar Choral
4. Getting to see Ebay's class
5. Coffee with Judy
6. Lifecenter with Joanna, Ebay and Danika
7. Seeing Claire on Friday and spending the night in her apartment
8. home. seeing family. relaxing
9. Possible snowboarding lessons with Liana
10. Snowshoeing with Papa Ron...or hiking
11. Day trip to Edmonds to see Jimmy
12. Jackie coming home from Australia
13. New Years!
14. Possible Portland adventure
15. Jan 4th fly out of SeaTac for Tanzania
We had a goodbye dinner for Jimmy this past week. It was very fun and I LOVE this picture. Take note of the reindeer antlers attacking his face!
Monday, December 6, 2010
One year ago....

We were rocking out at the Senior Christmas Party at the Bozarth Mansion (beautifully planned and coordinated by Danika!)

And we celebrated Ande's 22nd birthday with Bud Light Lime, the movie Elf and a sleepover!
I miss you girls terribly. I wish I could be more present in your lives. We SERIOUSLY should all think about Seattle next year. How amazing would it be if we were all in the same city again? Just a thought :) Ebay and I have Spring Break in April from the 4th-8th. We are thinking Hawaii or Mexico. Anyone in?
Love you all and enjoy your first week in December
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Top Ten of Thanksgiving 2010
My car back in Spokane...Ebay and I successfully dug it out of about a foot of snow!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday morning Jackie and I met at our Starbucks and snagged the comfy chairs of course. We ran some errands (Fred Meyer's and Great Clips) and then had El Sarape for lunch. Afterwards, mom and I went to Goodwill for some shopping and then to grammy and grampys! My grandma was super surprised and it was great to see her! Mom and I visited Liana at Safeway who was getting canned food donations for the food bank! When she was all finished we stopped and visited my aunt and uncle for awhile, played nerf guns with Timothy and then had McDonalds for dinner :) Finally, we rented the vulgar but hilarious movie, Get Him to the Greek and had a sleepover with Jackie.
The trip was short but sweet and well worth it! I feel rejuvenated for my last week and a half before Thanksgiving and I look forward to be coming home soon again!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
1. My blog
2. Reading everyone else's blog
3. Texting
4. Phone calls
5. Food
6. People watching
7. Pandora
8. Checking my Whitworth e-mail
9. Facebook
10. America's Next Top Model, Survivor and the Amazing Race
11. Attempts at napping
12. other homework
13. Talking to people at the Service Station
14.....and the 45 minute phone conversation I just had with my mom!
Ebay and I have grand plans for the night: Clean R apartment while drinking margaritas!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
It's November?
Needless to say, life is going at a crazy pace. Halloween came and went just like my pumpkin I carved (already rotten :( ). Ebay, Joanna and I had a fun Halloween evening and went as two kitties and a hippie! We branched out and attended an actual Halloween party which was fun only because we ran into Bobby Hughes and friends:) Halloween itself was pretty low key...I almost wore my kitty ears to workout, but forgot. Don't worry though, Ebay and I wore them to church Sunday evening which definitely got us some Halloween Candy :) Sadly, we had no tricker-treaters at R apartment, which was fine since we took shots of NyQuil and got in bed by 9!
So, October is gone, November is here! Today is another Princess Day celebration (about 3 and 1/2 years). We will celebrate by Didiers of course...and peppermint mochas compliments of Claire (THANKS!). Hopefully now that I am on meds, I will start getting better. Ebay and I are starting a lifegroup tomorrow through is for SINGLES post-college 22-32...hmmmm should be good :)
Great thing I learned @ church: The church is not a rest home for saints, it is a rescue place for sinners! AMEN! Joe also said, "Let's get it right and say, I am just a turd trying to follow Jesus".
Also, I am going to give up sweets until Christmas (except on Tuesdays so I can have dids)
Love you and miss you.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Rockford, WA Population: 500 (our Friday night)
Before you knew it, the 10 of us were on the dance floor doing the hoedown and dancin country style. Marty, the dj allowed us to request any song we wanted. Let's just say we had quite the variety: MC Hammer, Michael Jackson, 50 Cent, Technine, Backstreet Boys (yes, Ebay and I performed our dance), Lady Gaga, ACDC...the list goes on. We danced from about 8:30 to midnight, had the country bar on it's feet and got some locals to join us on the dance floor. I even believe the girls made it on top of the bar when the song "Single Ladies" came on. This night turned into much more than we could have ever expected from a town like Rockford. Long lasting memories were made as well as 15 embarrassing videos recorded :)
The Sunday Night West Central Dinner Crew :) These people are AMAZING!
Saturday was amazing as well! Had a wonderful phone convo with mommy, went to a yoga class, carved pumpkins, made lots of yummy treats, watched Hocus Pocus and ate Burger King :) LifeCenter was great on Sunday and we talked about the famous question: If God is so good then why is the world so bad? I got some great perspective on this topic! Sunday afternoon was relaxing and then Sunday evening the West Central crew stayed in and made SUSHI :)
LOVE YOU ALL! Have a great week!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Westboro Baptist Church Demo
Today Whitworth and the Spokane community came together in unity in response to a demonstration put on by the Westboro Baptist church. The WBC is a church group located in Topeka, Kansas that has very radical beliefs. To voice their beliefs, they travel all around the country demonstrating and holding signs. According to WBC, they came to Whitworth because, "the college students spend more time pursuing their drunken sins than their academic success. Their professors happily teach them the lie that "it is OK to be gay" and its just fine to flip off God and mock his servants". We know this is very scewed and far from the truth. While it is disturbing and frustrating to hear this, Whitworth responded in such a way that demonstrated love and peace.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Relationships are fundamental to life!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
A weird half hour
After studying, I had to make a stop at the grocery store for a few things so as I normally do, I crossed the street and headed to WinCo. Now Ebay and I go to WinCo probably 3 times a week and it is no surprise to us that the culture of WinCo is one of its own. Unfortunately, many people in the community resort to WinCo because of the cheap prices of things. Therefore, there is an expectational diverse population. Tonight when I walked in I felt as if I were walking into a grocery store in a third world country. I'm not sure if it was just the night or the contrast between the Service Station and WinCo but I felt my heart breaking. I am definitely not trying to place judgment or assumptions on the outward appearance of people because that is not my place. It was however apparent that there are so many people struggling simply to afford groceries.
Feeling in a bit of a daze I waited in line at the checkout. The nice lady at the register noticed my Willard Elementary badge and asked if I was a substitute teacher. I told her no and explained to her that I was student teaching. She proceeded to tell me that she is a substitute in district 81 and has been for the past four years. However, she then explained to me that she holds a Bachelors and Masters in teaching but has not been able to get a job since arriving in the United States from the Philippines four years ago. She explained that she is completely qualified to teach but her heavy accent turns people off for hiring her. Therefore, on her nights she works at WinCo to pay the bills. Here I am, 22 years old working on my Master's Degree. In less than a year I will probably not have a problem getting a job because of my race or language...but here is this women completely qualified for a teaching job (probably more experience then most) but can't get a job because of her accent...
WinCo has not just been a place to buy my groceries but has been a place that reminds me about the small blessings I have in my life. "Lord, break my heart for the things that break yours".
Monday, October 4, 2010
Welcome Fall :)
It's 7:30pm and pitch dark as I sit at the service station on a Monday night! With an iced mocha in hand I am attempting to be productive at homework, completing to-do lists, working on Tanzania TA stuff, lesson plan reviewing and of course updating my blog! However, after a yoga class at OZ fitness (Ebay and my new home), I feel simply NAMASTE :)
This past weekend I had a spontaneous visit from best friend JACKIE! After missing her last weekend while I was home (she was in New York!!!) she decided to hop over the mountains for a weekend in Spokane. She arrived Friday night and we wasted no time and headed out to get some THAI FOOD! Shortly after, we enjoyed a bottle of red wine and a movie. Saturday was quite busy! We stopped by OZ fitness where Drew gave us a tour and a free week trial! We then headed to Nordstrom Rack, Value Village, the boys house to say by to Zach :(, Praire to sunbathe until the sprinklers got us, WinCo for groceries...then we cooked a yummy dinner, got some bulk candy at the store, picked up Jimmy and Bill for our movie date and saw Despicable Me @ the Garland and then headed home! What a fabulous day!
Sunday was glorious! Church was wondrous and appropriate. The message was all about not getting burned out, tired out and stressed out! I'd say this is a great time for each one of us to prioritize our lives and make sure we are taking care of our bodies (hence joining a gym and doing some yoga). Jackie took off and I did some homework! Ebay and I had our first workout session at the gym which was good. I had a soccer game with the good ole' Ninjas in the pouring rain and then we had a blessed evening down in West Central.
There is an update friends! Looking forward to many things this week. Missing Liana and the rest of the family but g-ma is still hanging in there! Love you all and keeping everyone in my prayers!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
"We are only special because we belong to God"
Sitting on the couch and looking at her just brought tears to my eyes. We began talking about prayer and she said that when she was in the hospital it was so difficult to pray because people were always in and out of her room. Finally, now that she has been home, she has been able to resume her daily meditation. She shared with me that when she is finished praying, she feels a sense of peace and a readiness to go home to God. I asked her if that is what she be home in Heaven instead of experiencing the chronic pain and suffering. She told me that sometimes she wants to be home with God but that he continues to keep her around for a reason and that there are still so many people she feels like she can help. 27 years after her first stroke, chronic/daily pain, a brain hemorrhage and surgery in which she experienced near death, yet she still wants to help others and make a difference...
I also asked her if she is ever upset with God because of all the suffering she has had to endure. She is the LAST person who should deserve this to happen simply because she is one of God's angels here on earth. My grandma of course believes that it is not God who causes suffering and that he is responsible for the healing...and that she thanks him every day for blessing her with more time here on earth. Wow.
Love and Blessings: according to Grammy this is what life is all about. Loving everyone around us and being thankful for all the blessings in our life. Life is about being connected to God and being connected to others. Besides God, my grandma's relationships with people are the most important thing in her life. She has touched so many lives by simply showing each and every person unconditional love. My grandma has been a blessing in my life and many others. There is no doubt that she is the most special and amazing role model in my life. The world definitely needs more people like her. Having her home is such a miracle and blessing and I hope to live each day in her honor but most importantly, God's honor.

Thursday, September 23, 2010
I am celebrating my grandma's homecoming with my family!
After seven weeks in the hospital, she finally gets to come home!
Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers...
God worked a miracle :)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Back home to Life Center
With all the weekends spent back in Tumwater, I have not been to Life Center since July 25th. And boy have I missed it! Never have I felt so connected to a church! So it is safe to say that I was absolutely in Heaven this morning when I finally made it to a service. I was lucky enough to go with Jimmy this morning and meet up with Phil when we got there. As usual we sat in the 3rd row so we could be up close! The worship was amazing and I felt like I could not focus on anything other than praising and worshiping God. The song that reached me most this morning was, "Nothing But The Blood of Jesus"...What can wash away my sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus. No matter how many times I mess up and sin, I know that God will forgive me -- just one of the few things that makes him amazing.
In this chaotic period of my life, it was appropriate that Joe's sermon was on Balancing Work, Family, Self and God. While technically I am not working, I consider Graduate School my full time job. Joe referenced Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other Gods before me" to explain that work may be worship, but we cannot worship our work. He explained that when work because the most important thing in our life, that is idolatry. Secondly, he taught that we are to "Love our families, but not more than God". This seems like a difficult concept to agree with but says that our family cannot be our God. If we love God more, then we will love our family better. The third point he made was to "Take care of yourself but don't be selfish". We are responsible for taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually but we can't get wrapped up in it or it will become selfishness. Lastly, Joe said to LOVE GOD WITH ALL YOU'VE GOT...and there are not buts. Living a balanced life means putting God first. If we let Jesus lead, our life will be more abundant.
I felt right back at home at LifeCenter and am so blessed to have a church I feel so connected to. The rest of Sunday was nice and relaxing as well. I had lunch with Jimmy and then took him to the airport for his first MedSchool interview. I came home and spent the afternoon doing homework, catching up on the phone, staining chairs, watching FRIENDS and cleaning with Ebay. I am looking forward to two days @ Willard with the 2nd graders and then 3 days of classes @ Whitworth!
Hope everyone has a wonderful week. GOD IS LOVE :)))
Monday, September 13, 2010
Weekend in Spokane
Saturday was spent doing some good ole' garage saling. Ebay and I scored 2 chairs for our new dining room table and I purchased two collector item Olympia Beer glasses. I still don't know why they were for sale and why they only cost 25 cents! After hitting up most of Spokane, we treated ourselves to Subway and successfully watched a whole disk of One Tree Hill. The whole day we were anticipating the arrival of Team Baylis (Tom and Linda). They finally arrived at about 5:30...and a couple hours later we rolled into Outback Steakhouse for a lovely meal. Not surprisingly, we made quite the scene. After getting kicked out for being too loud (just kidding), we stopped at Albertsons for a nice bottle of Bella Wine. Then Ebay and I accompanied Jimmy to his hour long shopping trip at Winco and ended the night watching Ratatouille.
Sunday was just as wonderful! I made a batch of bran muffins in the morning (my new, weekend routine), attended a wedding, hiked around Riverside State Park and even saw two porcupines, watched the OC...and of course...did HOMEWORK!
While I missed was very nice getting to spend a weekend in Spokane.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Simple, Weekly Update
Wednesday: In-serive day @ Willard, Starbucks to use WI-FI, Taste of Thai with Emily and Ebay, watched Emily pack, prepare for first day, last night sleeping with Emily :(
Thursday: Emotional goodbye with Em, FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, Princess Day, Service Station with Ebay, wine and dessert with Ebay, Walmart Trip, 4 episodes of the O.C, sleep!
Friday: School day, nap with Ebay after watching 50 First Dates, Taste of Thai...again, rent the Back-UP plan and buy ice-cream, watched the Back-UP Plan with Ebay and ate ice cream, packed, bed, sleep!
Saturday: Early morning flight to SeaTac, home to TumH20, visit with Grammy all day, dinner with the fam, some O.C watching, watched the Back-UP plan with Liana, sleep time!
Sunday: Early morning homework, coffee with Jackie :), helped mom at school, visit with Grammy :))), Ande and Claire arrived in TumH20, chilled at the house, drove around Tumwater, Downtown Oly for Harbor Days, THAI Pavilion for dinner, walk around Tumwater Falls, met Jackie and Starbucks (again), back to the house, Ande and Claire left, Jackie and Analisa pillow talk, back to visit and say goodnight to grammy, hung out with Steven Paul Cable, home, sleep time!
Monday: Bran Muffins, visit grammy for last time this weekend, back to SeaTac, back to Spokane, reunited with Ebay, Winco trip, back to R apartment, home and sleep!
A wonderful first week of school (and so proud of Ebay and Claire for their first weeks too!), a great visit home, busy busy busy but lots and lots of love :)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Family is the greatest!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
August 25th 2010....
I'll never forget my first day meeting Emily McGrady-Beach, my roommate. Before getting to Whitworth, I stopped at the Francis Starbucks to change my clothes so I looked halfway decent. However, there was Emily in our dorm room wearing a cut off and basketball shorts :) A life-long friendship began that first day...never would I expect that we would have to say goodbye to each other...

Do you girls remember MOCK ROCK and our dance performance...or Yell Off and all the BJ cheers we learned? What about 'wooing?' where we had the chance to scope out all the hott freshman boys! There was also the Fancy Feast, birdy and perch, cutting off our fears in the Chapel...
Well, I am still a Whitworth student however, a Master's student just doesn't have the same feel as an undergrad. I mean, I can no longer attend and take part in Mock Rock or Yell Off....there is no more streaking around campus or moving into dorm more meals in Saga or walks in the back forty...Yes, I will still be on Whitworth attending my Master's classes but I will no longer know or recognize everyone I see. Most of all, my best friends will not be walking around campus with me :(
However, there is nothing to do than be excited for the new phase of my life that has begun. I have spent 3 days in my 2nd grade classroom at Willard Elementary helping my mentor teacher get ready for the students to arrive. While I was dreading going back so early, it has actually been quite enjoyable getting back into the groove. Plus, I have been able to do what I love best: setting up a classroom and cutting out lots and lots of laminated things :) There is no doubt that this fall semester is probably going to be the busiest but I am looking forward to a challenge!
hmm....where will I be August 25th, 2014?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday began with breakfast, coffee and a trip to downtown Olympia for the Pet Parade. The 81st parade was a success of course and was deeply enjoyed by Ebay and the boys. On our way to the Capital, Keith got sidetracked and we had to stop at a Bike store...typical. However, we made if to the Capital building, successfully did some yoga and guacamole on the fronts steps, explained our plan to put Mercedes in the pet parade next year, toured the building...and then left! We hit up Value Village on the way home for our GAGA outfits, watched Talledega Nights then got ready for the big night!
We drove up to the Tacoma Dome (even got massages on the way up), walked around downtown, had our picture taken by millions of fans, sang GAGA songs with fellow concert goers, helped direct Lindsay to our parking lot, squished onto the LINK that would take us to the Tacoma Dome, safely made it inside the Dome for the concert and then enjoyed 2 hours of absolute INSANITY AND CRAZINESS...totally work the $65 ticket. Lady Gaga told us to be free and LOVE EVERYONE just like Jesus :) After laying in the field, the 5 of us crashed in the tent for a good nights' rest!
Sunday morning we enjoyed some time with my parents at the house before we went on our way. Lindsay headed down to Portland for some camping and Jimmy had his LONG drive back to Edmonds. Keith, Ebay and I set off for Spokane. We made some fun stops along the way including Lake Kachess where we decided it was only appropriate to swim in the mountain was totally worth it! We also stopped at the wild horse monument, experienced a very steep hike and 50mph winds but enjoyed the wonderful view at the top! Keith told me to roast a marshmallow using the car after 20 minutes of the heat on full blast, we enjoyed a smore in the car! George, WA would have been a better stop if Keith didn't drive past the sign I wanted a picture in front of...better luck next time! And of course, we had to stop for ice cream cones at McDonalds. 8 hours later...we safely made it back to R apartment.
The end. See facebook for pictures.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010
Home sweet home!
My first day home was quite the day! My best friend Jackie came over to my house in the morning and we prepared for our kayaking adventure on the Puget Sound. Our first stop was Starbucks of course for our morning coffee, and then we took off to the Boston Harbor marina and rented a double-kayak for a couple hours! The kayaking trip was quite relaxing...we came to like the "paddle 6 or 7 strokes, and then float" method. We made friends with seals and porpoises (mini dolphins) and searched for starfish, crabs and jellyfish! As usual I collected some shells on the beach...and Jackie wrote in the sand! After our successful kayaking trip, we headed to downtown Oly and went to the Farmers Market! We enjoyed lot's of free samples...I was a little disappointed they did not have asparagus for sale but Jackie walked away with some blueberries and peaches. Upon leaving the Farmer's Market, we used our "treat receipt" from Starbucks and got our second fixing of coffee for the day! We explored some wonderful stores in downtown Oly including Orca Books, a scrapbook store and even a vintage costume shop! Oh how I love Olympia :)
The coming days will also be filled with lot's of adventure! Tomorrow, my dad and I are embarking on another kayaking trip....probably more intense then the relaxing one I had today! Saturday we are also doing a 10k in Vancouver, WA...and then Sunday the McCann-Holcomb family is taking off for SAN DIEGO,CA for a family get-away :)
Miss you girls in Spokane...keep holding down R apartment Ebay, Em have a great time in Seattle and Joanna, pick up the espresso machine :)
Dani, hope all is well in Visalia, CA
Ande, have a great hike with Ashley this weekend!
Lindsay, have fun crabbing with Em :)
Monday, August 2, 2010
What a weekend!
After 5 hours, Sabrina (Claire's GPS) helped us safely arrive to Lindsay's humble abode in Burien, eclectic house situated right on the Puget Sound. Not surprisingly, we had a loud welcoming that involved a GAGA 'RA RA' huddle in the middle of the road. Typical of the Corner House. After settling in and catching up, we got some rest before the weekend festivities began!
Saturday morning we took off for a hike at Wallace Falls State Park, located in the middle of nowhere (passed Sultan and Startup, WA). The hike was beautifully situated in the mountains and had the most scenic views. As usual we had our goofy, girly conservations but also found peace in the wilderness and sat on a ledge with the most breathtaking view. Feeling God's presence around us we had a wonderful talk about God and his greatness.
The hike ended at some waterfalls where we ventured down to the rocks and played around! So fun! After the 5 mile hike, we headed back towards the city, stopping for $1 cherry baskets along the way and at Alpen Drive In for some good ole hamburgers and fries! We also stopped at this little chapel situated on the side of the road. It seemed to be a place for passersby to stop, pause and worship the cute :)
Once back in the city, Ande showed us around Edmonds, her Aglow International office and her house. It was so special being able to see her temporary home! The evening with the girls concluded with a lively meal at Thai's Corner and a bonfire on the Puget Sound full of smores and wine. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDSAY!
Sunday morning we had the blessing of attending Lindsay's church in Burien called Taproot. It was a small but happening service with amazing worship and an awesome word. WE LOVED IT! After church, Joanna, Claire, Ebay and I headed back to the East. Driving into Spokane we experienced less appreciation for our World Peace sign (some man shook is head and said, it's never gonna happen). He definitely smashed our young, optimistic outlook! However, he smiled and gave us a thumbs-up for our, "Everybody's gonna love today" sign :) Overall the weekend was amazing! Looking forward to Tumwater in a few days :)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Last Week of Grad School Summer Term!
Fortunately, part of my last week at school has been helping at a science camp for kids called Camp Invention! It has been going on all week at Whitworth and the MIT's have been able to spend half of the day helping out! As much as I have enjoyed my MIT classes, I must say that playing with the kids has been the highlight....I guess that is why I am going into teaching :)
While school has been awesome, I am definitely looking forward to a month break before I start up in the fall. Here are some things that I am really looking forward to:
- Lindsay's Birthday in Seattle with Linz, Ande, Joanna, Claire and Ebay
- A few days of NO CLASS in Spokane and finally decorating my bedroom
- Heading back over to the WestSide to see my family and best friend Jackie!
- 10k Race for the Homeless in Vancouver, WA
- SAN DIEGO with mom, dad and out California!
- Liana's 17th Birthday...AHHH!
- Gaga Weekend: Linz, Jimmy, Ebay and maybe Keith: we will camp out in my backyard, make smores, go to the pet parade in Tumwater, kayak and canoe and then attend the best concert ever!
- A week of relaxing in Spokane
- half marathon training