I'll never forget my first day meeting Emily McGrady-Beach, my roommate. Before getting to Whitworth, I stopped at the Francis Starbucks to change my clothes so I looked halfway decent. However, there was Emily in our dorm room wearing a cut off and basketball shorts :) A life-long friendship began that first day...never would I expect that we would have to say goodbye to each other...

Freshman Year, September 2006
Do you girls remember MOCK ROCK and our dance performance...or Yell Off and all the BJ cheers we learned? What about 'wooing?' where we had the chance to scope out all the hott freshman boys! There was also the Fancy Feast, birdy and perch, cutting off our fears in the Chapel...
Well, I am still a Whitworth student however, a Master's student just doesn't have the same feel as an undergrad. I mean, I can no longer attend and take part in Mock Rock or Yell Off....there is no more streaking around campus or moving into dorm rooms...no more meals in Saga or walks in the back forty...Yes, I will still be on Whitworth attending my Master's classes but I will no longer know or recognize everyone I see. Most of all, my best friends will not be walking around campus with me :(
However, there is nothing to do than be excited for the new phase of my life that has begun. I have spent 3 days in my 2nd grade classroom at Willard Elementary helping my mentor teacher get ready for the students to arrive. While I was dreading going back so early, it has actually been quite enjoyable getting back into the groove. Plus, I have been able to do what I love best: setting up a classroom and cutting out lots and lots of laminated things :) There is no doubt that this fall semester is probably going to be the busiest but I am looking forward to a challenge!
hmm....where will I be August 25th, 2014?
Thanks for the memories! Love you.